I am back at a regular job where I live, and I found that it was much to save up money because when my online business would pay me I would large check all at once. Now I decided on another strategy, every paycheck I transfer 25% to an American express serve card and the to a reserve account which I named Vacay for vacation. All my vacations are to mongering destinations. So As time passes I eventually get enough money.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Quick Note
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014
How to be the big man at the Strip club on a budget
The Budget
Lets you have $200. This isn't much at all and honestly if you are broke and don't have $200 bucks to spend don't go. It sucks when you got no money I have literally went with $40 bucks. I paid the cover, bought the drink that they said was mandatory. You the old drink minimum scam. Tipped a girl on stage who gladly stuck her tits in my face. It is important to note this is the afternoon shift. The girls seem to have lower expectations when it comes to be being tips. I kissed her boobs and gave her $5 tip. She said thank you.
The How to:
The psychology is easy. Strippers for guys with money but in the afternoon shift they will settle for a guy with very little money Because sometimes that's all there is. A lot of times clubs are empty at like 2 or 3pm. The bad is limited choices on strippers. a couple of tips.
The minimums:
drink minimums : don't worry buy the drink right away then nurse the drink and if you move seats then bring your drink with you. if you don't the waitress will take it. I have been strip clubs with 2 drink minimums and only bought 1 drink.
Get about $20 bucks in singles at least, tip dancers on stage small let them know that you like and the stage is just a preview for the lapdance area. Also make sure other girls see you tip. If there all in the dressing room don't worry they talk.
Lapdances. Get the best High Mileage dances by waiting for the girl who aggressively pursue you. She needs the money. Aggressive is a girl who will sue their bodies. Tits in face when she asks for a dance, Pressing her body up against you. Girl Grabs your junk(Jackpot) She wants to have a good time. Get the lowdown on the dances go VIP if you have enough.
NOTE:Touch her everywhere unless she tells you know, but don't go for the pussy until she signals it's okay. Usually by hyperagressiveness. which means she jerks you off through the pants, encourages by telling you she likes being touched
Afternoon cover: $0 usually sometimes $10
drink: $5
Stage tip: $30 - u tip more then one girl
VIP room: Dejvu charges $150
Your now broke but the girls like you and got some, GOOD JOB!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Bang LIst
She works at DEJA VU North Hollywood, SO Maybe I can actually bang this girl, but even a hot lapdance would make my day.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
My Mongering destinations
Mongering destinations I have been to
Angeles city
Las vegas
Tijuana stripclubs
Escort services
MY Favorite mongering destination
Angeles city-ALL time fave of all the places I have been to thus far
Las vegas-quick overnights, not possible for Angeles city. There is a risk of arrest because it is illegal there but I believe they are well aware only enforce when it gets out of hand. Also lots of variety here can get a blond if I want or a filipina.
Red Light Ditricts Amsterdam
The Above is all about the red light districts of Amsterdam. I have never been so I never been to Amsterdam but want to go. The only stopping me is I live in the u.s. and the exchange rate from the u.s. dollar to the euro is not to my advantage, plus the hotels in Europe seem a bit pricey unless you stay in hostel. I do not want to stay in one of those. This video don't cover hotel cost and flights so do your research/
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
My new strip club story
I have a new strip club story, there are no pictures because they wouldn't allow it so you'll have to use your imagination.
I wanted to go to strip club in tampa for a while. The say best place for milage in USA is southern california but I gotta there some places that can give SO cal a run for it's money, from my experience it just takes a little game. For those of you who are reading this, I don't believe in techniques like those stupid systems for dating strippers. I got to the club I met a stripper name Miya.
This picture from the site and she much more sexy in person. Also She was drunk. I guess she brought some because they don't serve alcohol. When she hit me up for a dance. My first thought was maybe she'll do something stupid, Like me. FYI this is nude club and I had already her stage performance and her booty was awesome. I took her into the vip and she starts complaining about all the guys who grab her ass. I thought Oh no I made a bad call. SO thinking I was going to piss her off and this was just going to end all are fun. "It's your fault" I said. "no" she said with smile. "yes it is, your booty is banging girl " I said. "so it's my fault for having nice booty, because guys wanna grab it." She said. "and spank it".the dances is starting and now she is naked on me. I smack her ass. she stops to look at me. She grabs my junk. "that's what you get" she said. So in response I smack her ass 5 times. "that's it your in trouble now". she says. She grabs smacks my hard cock, and I am like what was that but didn't say it. she was now facing me in the lap dance position. I put my mouth on her nipples and sucked on them, she enjoyed it. she went down through my pants. "Can they see us in her". I said. "this is private. I whipped my dick she was surprised by my actions and kinda seem to think for for second. I wanted to suck but she position her pussy where she can lap dance on it while I'm in her pussy. I don't think anyone would thought this was just with flailing from side to side and having orgasms. She was highly orgasmic. I got my moneys worth I think. I don't know if this something she does with everybody but I don't care. The tip thing wasn't discussed but I tipped her anyway $300. It's not alot of money to me.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Tales from the strip club Underground
Monger X: Banging Strippers
Monger X Brings you with him for an audio adventure In LA area strip clubs. Where girls break the rules if you know how to play the game! DOWNLOAD NOW!
Monday, June 9, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Hot Asian For the Bangable List!
The first chick to make the bangable list!
Monger x: Bangable Babes wish list
These are females that if I where to meet I would do everything in my power to bang. In other words they would either hate me guts or they will sleep with me.
Playboys Miss social June BANGABLE!
Also every pic I posted on Monger x Facebook page is on the list.
There are also several female celebrities who make this but there are so many that I think I will make a celebrity bangable list!
Monday, June 2, 2014
Recent Mongering activity(Pornstars)
Once I said the Ultimate Fantasy Fuck was a stripper, Well I said that because I did not think I would ever get shot a Porn star. a Porn star called Missy Martinez who also as feature for strip clubs which is where I met her. I got a Lap dance from her and she was wild. There was no holds in the VIP room with her and for a tip she bounced on the pole. It cost a small a fortune but This is the hottest girl I have been with on U.S. Soil. She gave me the line I normally don't do this. Looks like she oral fixation in the pic huh, well she kinda does did that because I tipped her because I was totally blown away her naked body. I fucked during the lap dance where she ding the normal grind but undid my zipper and let stick in. The most awesome lap dance ever!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Monger x Banging strippers Free sample
CLick here to get audiobook Free
Link To audio sample
check the audio sample then after your done follow the link audible.com to purchase!
Link To audio sample
check the audio sample then after your done follow the link audible.com to purchase!
Monger x: Banging Strippers Available on audio FRee!
CLick here to get Monger x Banging strippers free
It is short could free if you sign up for a new audible account or really cheap if you have one already. Hook yourself up!
It is short could free if you sign up for a new audible account or really cheap if you have one already. Hook yourself up!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Monger X ON audio Book
Monger X: Banging Strippers
Which is available on Kindle for a short time for $0.99 for a short time will soon be available on audio book format through amazon, Itunes and Audible. Now you can hear Monger X stories about fucking hot strippers. I always Liked audio books better then traditional books, I guess I am just lazy like that but I still get the same info in an audio book. The link to the audio book is not available I will post them when they are available. Meanwhile I am working on my latest books. Two of them one for Vegas and the other is the Philippines trip reports from Monger x.
Monger on!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Official Protest!
I Just want to make it clear to the city of industry that cleaning up there strip clubs is big mistake. Aside from that were do pervs like me go to get blown. The only option will be to travel. Which I do all the time but When I am home I like having an option. The city of industry strip clubs were often that option. I say this Cause in a recent post from strip club hound He talks about strip clubs being cleaned up to make way for upscale development including a sports team. A sports team in the city of industry would be cool but I just talked to someone who said it wasn't likely because there competing with some place near the staples center and possibly even another team playing out of dodger stadium. The upscale development idea is bullshit it's a working class neighborhood and is surrounded by working class neighborhood. You can't sell upscale stuff to downscale people. I think the let strippers continue Banging. If you don't agree with then FUCK YOU!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Canada high court strikes down all restrictions on prostitution
I Personally Have never Been to Canada. But I just heard about this thought I would find a video that relayed some info. Most of the videos on youtube are a couple of years old. So Maybe Canada Can Be a Mongering destination. The U.S. dollar and the Canadian Dollar are almost equal so there benefits in the exchange rate. I also Hear the strip clubs out there are full nude with alchahol so all you drunks can see pussy while you drink. I still don't get why some guys pick alcahol over pussy. more on this I research the topic. MONGER ON!
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Monger x Banging strippers Ebook
Monger X:Banging Strippers
Monger x shares a few stories about things he did a in strip clubs.
one reviewer said
this little book was a very interesting read. I perhaps only frequent strip clubs a couple of times per year but i've always wondered how far a girl would go if you put enough cash down in front of them. The author here answers many of my suspicions regarding as to what happens with these girls and the punters who are willing to 'pay for play'. This book stands alone. I have never come across anything quite like it before and well worth a read.
Free until 04/22/2014 then $2.99 reviews appreciated!
Monger x shares a few stories about things he did a in strip clubs.
one reviewer said
this little book was a very interesting read. I perhaps only frequent strip clubs a couple of times per year but i've always wondered how far a girl would go if you put enough cash down in front of them. The author here answers many of my suspicions regarding as to what happens with these girls and the punters who are willing to 'pay for play'. This book stands alone. I have never come across anything quite like it before and well worth a read.
Free until 04/22/2014 then $2.99 reviews appreciated!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Mongering In Pattaya
Mongering In Pattaya
I uploaded this video because it talks a about Pattaya, Mongering activities in Pattaya revolve around go go bars, Bar girls and bar fines. Watch the video and learn all you can. Save your money, they say a cushion of about $200-$300 dollars a day is advised. I always like to have some baht on hand when I land This way I can pay the taxi and get a bite to eat if I am hungry. which I usually am. Always make sure you have a safety net of money so you can get back to Bangkok when you have to get your flight home. Running out of money in a foreign country sucks and not the good kind of sucking. MONGER ON!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Mongering in Tokyo, Japan
Mongering In Japan
Mongering in Japan, This Video says it all, I have been on Angeles city & Bangkok & Pattaya as my go to Mongering Destinations. After Seeing this Video I want to check this place out. I guess it kinda of depends on if you are attracted to Japanese women. I think they are hot, however Thai & Filipina are my first choice. Watch the video and learn alot about Tokyo's Red light district. Meanwhile you can get some extra cash by doing surveys online click here to learn how!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Bar girl Prices in Pattaya, Thailand
Cost Of Mongering in Pattaya
Bar Girl Prices
Bar fines which is what you pay to the bar to allow the girl to leave the bar. This does not automatically mean sex. you must negotiate separately for any thing that gores on outside the bar. The bar fine is can vary a little but usually around 500baht for a bar girl in pattaya. However it is important to note that a Go Go Dancer is more expensive and will most likely be at least 1000 bath.
The cost of short time or long time vary's be girl. Short time is usually 2 hours. Contrary to popular belief the cost is not based on her hotness. One reason of course the hotness is a matter of opinion. It is really based on a few factors. one being how much money does she think you can give her. two is the availability of guys who looking to hook up with her. Usually there is large amount of potential customers. The third one depends how much she needs a customer. There are various personal factors in their lives that make the need for money more urgent and she might take a lower bid. Four is how hot she thinks she is, But wait you said.... I know what I said but read that again, how hot she thinks she is, and she will take her cues from your body language.
The video is provided by http://pattayafilms.com
for more in depth look at bar girls buy Thai Hookers 101 - What You MUST Know About SEX And Prostitutes Before Coming To Thailand
for kindle or
Physical BookEX And Prostitutes Before Coming To Thailand You MUST Know About S
Physical BookEX And Prostitutes Before Coming To Thailand You MUST Know About S
Sunday, March 30, 2014
What to bring on your mongering trip
Mongering Trip Items You Can't Live Without
First Thing I will go over is what you need for every mongering trip. This is simple check list with links to purchase these items.
Every Mongering Trip
- Tojan Condoms(40)
- LG A275 Black Unlocked GSM Dual SIM QuadBand Cell Phone
- Black Money Belt
- Nature's Way Vitamin C 1000 with Rose Hips, 250 Capsules
- Google Chromecast HDMI Streaming Media Player
- 601-leather Passport Cover
I have google chrome cast because you never know what type of tv your gonna get in a foreign country. As long as they have HDTV in your hotel and wifi you can hookup and watch netflix or any other streaming service. Also It's important to note that you need bottle water but you can buy that there. I highly recommend these items.
Mongering In Thailand
- Bottled Water
- Thai Baht(Enough to get you a meal when you land and a taxi to the your hotel)
- Lonely Planet Thailand (Country Travel Guide)
- Money($200 - $300 a day you plan to stay is the standard)
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Freelancers of Beach road Pattaya
Beach Road Freelancers, Pattaya
Mongering on beach rd is different from what you do in a bar. First thing which is good there is no bar fine because they is no bar to pay the will standing on the side beach rd. The women will often try to get your attention. By asking a question "where you going?" or something similar. Or maybe they simply smile if they do make Eye contact. Don't be afraid this is hooker there is no need to fear rejection because even if she did reject you the street is littered with these girls. Mongering here is also cheaper and the women are just as hot as in the bar In my opinion.Let her lead she will ask questions just answer them. She will Say I go with you!. Then boom your of to your hotel or the nearest short time room. before make sure you get to give a price for short time or long time. Short time is like 2 hours and long time is overnight. Many of these girls will be short time. MONGER ON!
Angeles City Hot Video
Angeles City Mongering
Are these girls your type. I love mongering in Angeles. The girls are so much fun. This video is taken in a Angeles city go go bar. A couple of the girls are getting crazy with each other. I would only Bar fine or EWR(early Work release) One of them. Basically that You pay the bar to allow them to leave during work hours and what you do is between you and girls or girls. I don't why it's done this way but it works. Most mongers go with the flow. Personally think one of them is Ugly and the other I would the holy shit out of. But that is just me. MONGER X.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Make Money while Traveling
Make Money While Banging
I was in Bangkok on an epic monger trip. We should call it a binge. That's what some people call it who think I have a problem. Flying around the world and banging Beautiful women is problem I Love having. Except when it comes to end and the money I saved runs out and I have to come home to the good Ol' USA. In Comes Binary options Trading . It seemed a very easy to make money and all Needed was access to computer with an Internet connection. So next time I went I didn't until my visa ran out. This solved my problem of the blues that you get when your trip is over.
Solve your money problems and make money on your monger Vacation
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Finding flight deals
Flight Deals
Mongers require a lot of travel on international flights. So For a Monger Like me I need to find Good Travel deals. One site I use is Skyscanner.com . It's kinda of search for low fares and locates lower fares then most other search engines. Off course there is several other options. You can book directly on the airlines. The Asian airlines are lower price then all of the American airlines. I find the cheapest of the Asian airlines to be china airlines. Your going to have to google that because the URL escapes me at the moment. On skyscanner a trip to the Philippines cost me around $1000 give or take a hundred or so and the flight to Bangkok about the same. Keep in mind it depends on the time of year and how far in advanced you are booking your trip. In peak times I have seen them start at $1500 or so and go up to the $2k - $3k range.
Miles Programs
I am a member of Hawaiian miles program. They don't fly to many places but you can use your miles on any partner. It costs around 80,000 miles to fly to Bangkok on American airlines through the Hawaiian partner program. I am currently at around 23000. I got a long way to go and the flights to Bangkok to pay on Hawaiian miles costs around $3000. I only joined because I can get miles for my search activity online. I use the Internet a lot so eventually I will get there. I am also a member of delta sky miles and united miles, but I don't have many miles on those programs.
Check the sites for details
Monday, March 24, 2014
Vote on this vid
This is just a test. I got this from a live stream from the north Hollywood dejavu.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Seven Sexy Pattaya Girls
Seven Sexy Pattaya Girls
By Now you tell that my favorites girls are the Asian girls. But don't worry If I get content of hot girls from some other part of the world I will. Mongering In Pattaya will get you girls like theseFriday, March 21, 2014
This is for all the Mongers who reside in The La Area. When you don't have the cash to go out mongering. Maybe you want to change it up a bit and go to a strip club. Now the North Hollywood Deja Vu has a web cam which shows the main stage live. I know it's not really mongering and lap dances may have gotten boring to you. But Full service is possible in a strip club however I can not say for certain how likely it is your going to get it here. But you can check out the talent before going up there. There Are lots of reviews on zbone.com . None of them even hint at anything more then just a standard lap dance. Of course anyone who has ever done mongering in a strip club knows that mostly it's hit and miss even when you know the club offers it. That is why I used to frequent city of industry clubs the girls never disappointed! But it has been years since I have been to one. Trust the reviews on zbone. The link to Deja VU cams is here .
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Mongering in Angeles city VIDEO TIME!
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Monday, March 17, 2014
Who's the hottest?
The women represented in the Poll are all girls from mongering areas. I know not all races are represented but I don't care to list every race and/ or nationality in this poll. I figured the popular mongering destinations are probably the ones most likely to receive most of the votes.
This Is a filipina Cutie,
This girls are personal Faves, The speak english and the girls in Angeles city are dynamite fucks!
But don't let my opinion influence your vote.
This is a Thai Chick From Heaven above bar in Pattaya.
These girls are also hot I am going to have tough decision and so are you!
Hot Blonde up Next
I would definitely Bang this hottie, But this is just a model pic I took of some site. I have actually seen girls that look this good and been mostly ignored by them. Banged A hot blonde in Vegas when the was my main mongering spot Funny thing is if you ook the .com at the bottom it says fugly.com , HA HA GOOD ONE!
This Is probably an average latina in the mongering zone which in TJ Is called Zona Norte, however there are some girls I wouldn't touch.
I didn't use the p.c. term african american because I am not really reffering specifically to american women. This pic is obviosly a model and represent a very hot ebony women. They best place for these from my experience is Las Vegas and they are fit more often then other girls. Monger them is good in Las Vegas when on a budget.
Amsterdam Girls
I Never got one these girls from the red light district in amsterdam, But I have fucked a girl from the netherlands who was vacation when I was a mongering trip to Las Vegas. The girl was a perfect 10. Her looks Totally blew my mind and the sex pretty much awesome. It was not a hooker so yeah that happens some times.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Can't afford to pay
Or maybe you just don't want to. your options include a gym membership you actually use or a just plain luck. Two options not very appealing to me and In my opinion have limited success with very little money. But it occurs to me there is community of men who are trying to figure out women and how to seduce without paying.This is something I dabbled in before I started to monger. The pick up artists phenomena was started by a reality show and most people I know think being a pickup artist is stupid. So they won't pay for play and they won't try to learn how to pick up women. They also say they go out just to have fun and getting laid has nothing to do with it. If you believe that I am selling the golden gate bridge for ten thousand dollars you interested in buying? I am not going into the nuts and bolts of it here but if you want to check it out it's called Lovesystems enjoy and good luck to you!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
economics of mongering part 2
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Economics Of Mongering part 1
Most people have a regular Nine to Five job. For mongers this can be a problem. Having to wait all year for a couple of days vacation and spend that time in your favorite mongering spot. If your like me and prefer not be tied down to a nine to five then you probably experimented with making money online. which if you do it successfully you are free go and come as you please. The truth is few people make enough money to do so. I myself have gone from making way more then I need to make almost nothing. My favorite is affiliate Marketing because of the freedom it gives you. I am going to float a few ideas here.
Do surveys and play games you get money. Achieve gold status to get paid once a week. Also get paid for referrals.
Another Survey site, also has offers which rewards swagbucks which you can cash for cash and prizes. If you want cash get a paypal and verify it. They must have the same name and email as the swagbucks account.
Sell things on clickbank or use their marketplace find an affiliate to promote.
Live camgirl promo(adult but pays good)
this one i have been with for a while and has funded many mongering vacations. I use the per sign up promo and get $100 per sign up.
Other Ideas include:
write an ebook, you can upload to Kindle . Stock Photography on Pond 5 they require that you have a DSLR camera or better, Any 3ccd camera. If you don't understand what this is you should to videomaker.com and read up photography on their site. I am include network marketing in this also but a disclaimer. It is not for everyone. you need to really sell to people and most think your trying to scam them, at least that was my experience. Then if you get to sign up you need to make sure they can sell to. If this plays to your strengths then you should definitely look into a network marketing company. go to http://www.mlmwatchdog.com . There is a big list of companies on their site.
Do surveys and play games you get money. Achieve gold status to get paid once a week. Also get paid for referrals.
Another Survey site, also has offers which rewards swagbucks which you can cash for cash and prizes. If you want cash get a paypal and verify it. They must have the same name and email as the swagbucks account.
Sell things on clickbank or use their marketplace find an affiliate to promote.
Live camgirl promo(adult but pays good)
this one i have been with for a while and has funded many mongering vacations. I use the per sign up promo and get $100 per sign up.
Other Ideas include:
write an ebook, you can upload to Kindle . Stock Photography on Pond 5 they require that you have a DSLR camera or better, Any 3ccd camera. If you don't understand what this is you should to videomaker.com and read up photography on their site. I am include network marketing in this also but a disclaimer. It is not for everyone. you need to really sell to people and most think your trying to scam them, at least that was my experience. Then if you get to sign up you need to make sure they can sell to. If this plays to your strengths then you should definitely look into a network marketing company. go to http://www.mlmwatchdog.com . There is a big list of companies on their site.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
FAQs From non Mongers
- Aren't you afraid of getting std's?. A) I have never had one before. The chances of getting an std like HIV are significantly reduced when using a condom. And contrary to popular belief there is no increase when paying for sex. If this were true I would have gotten long ago or known who has. That being said I have known people who didn't use a condom that got something but it wasn't lethal. It just required antibiotics.
- Why can't you get a women the normal way? A) Yes I can and have many times in the past but the women that with when mongering are much more attractive.
- I don't have to pay for it like you! A) Never mind the fact that this is a statement. This almost always comes from a guy who just had a girl smile at him and now he thinks he's the man. I am trying to get sex not self validation that comes from a girl liking you!
- Why do you waste your money that way? A) I don't consider it waste, I do consider going on a date a waste of money. unless your actually trying to get to know a specific girl who you know is interested in a relationship with you and you with her.
- You said unless you considering a relationship with a girl it's not worth it how do you find her if your not dating? A) In order to date them I have to meet them, traditional singles meeting places are bad for this. If I meet someone that fits this description it will be in my daily routine. If I see women I am interested in and she's in a grocery store I am still going to chat her up so maybe it will happen this way. but bars and nightclubs are filled with party girls who aren't trying to be in a relationship or don't know how to.
- What is mongering? A) A person who seeks the services of prostitutes
8. Aren't they unclean? A) Actually no they are cleaner then most girls. A lot of the girls encounter require you to shower before engaging in sexual acts with you. as well as requiring condoms. in some establishments they require hiv screenings on regular basis. The same can't be said for the girl you meet in a bar.
Babydolls a gogo Nude
Monday, March 10, 2014
Introduction To Monger Lifestyle
Hi I well Cant tell you who I am, People don't approve of what I do. Even it's totally legal and Has no morality issues unless believe all the b.s. stories you hear in the media. By media I mean all the documentaries that would have you believe that these women are forced into the life at threat of violence. A monger is synonymous with sex tourist. A monger or sex tourist is someone who pays for sex often traveling to other countries where the activity is either tolerated or completely legal. A monger are not those things you see on documentaries and news shows like 20/20 that have people buying children. That is as disgusting to me as it is to you and I wish the news in the u.s. wasn't based on sensationalism. I have never been exposed to this side of it at anytime in my travels. From my experience these women do it without any coercion and can say no anytime they want. Just so you know what to call me, call me Monger x. I am such a person and travel frequently to Angeles city,Philippines, Bangkok, pattaya, Amsterdam, and the Caribbean. This blog will cover any subject related to the subject of mongering, like travel, visa's, tourism, airlines, currency and really anything related to life in general.
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