Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Bang LIst

She works at DEJA VU North Hollywood, SO Maybe I can actually bang this girl, but even a hot lapdance would make my day.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Mongering destinations

Mongering destinations I have been to

Angeles city
Las vegas
Tijuana stripclubs
Escort services

MY Favorite mongering destination

Angeles city-ALL time fave of all the places I have been to thus far
Las vegas-quick overnights, not possible for Angeles city. There is a risk of arrest because it is illegal there but I believe they are well aware only enforce when it gets out of hand. Also lots of variety here can get a blond if I want or a filipina.

Red Light Ditricts Amsterdam

The Above is all about the red light districts of Amsterdam. I have never been so I never been to Amsterdam but want to go. The only stopping me is I live in the u.s. and the exchange rate from the u.s. dollar to the euro is not to my advantage, plus the hotels in Europe seem a bit pricey unless you stay in hostel. I do not want to stay in one of those. This video don't cover hotel cost and flights so do your research/

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My new strip club story

I have a new strip club story, there are no pictures because they wouldn't allow it so you'll have to use your imagination. I wanted to go to strip club in tampa for a while. The say best place for milage in USA is southern california but I gotta there some places that can give SO cal a run for it's money, from my experience it just takes a little game. For those of you who are reading this, I don't believe in techniques like those stupid systems for dating strippers. I got to the club I met a stripper name Miya.

        This picture from the site and she much more sexy in person. Also She was drunk. I guess she brought some because they don't serve alcohol. When she hit me up for a dance. My first thought was maybe she'll do something stupid, Like me. FYI this is nude club and I had already her stage performance and her booty was awesome. I took her into the vip and she starts complaining about all the guys who grab her ass. I thought Oh no I made a bad call. SO thinking I was going to piss her off and this was just going to end all are fun. "It's your fault" I said. "no" she said with smile. "yes it is, your booty is banging girl " I said. "so it's my fault for having nice booty, because guys wanna grab it." She said. "and spank it".the dances is starting and now she is  naked on me. I smack her ass. she stops to look at me. She grabs my junk. "that's what you get" she said. So in response I smack her ass 5 times. "that's it your in trouble now". she says. She grabs smacks my hard cock, and I am like what was that but didn't say it. she was now facing  me in the lap dance position. I put my mouth on her nipples and sucked on them, she enjoyed it. she went down through my pants. "Can they see us in her".  I said. "this is private. I whipped my dick she was surprised by my actions and kinda seem to think for for second. I wanted to suck but she position her pussy where she can lap dance on it while I'm in her pussy. I don't think anyone would thought this was just with flailing from side to side and having orgasms. She was highly orgasmic. I got my moneys worth I think. I don't know if this something she does with everybody but I don't care. The tip thing wasn't discussed but I tipped her anyway $300. It's not  alot of money to me. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tales from the strip club Underground

Monger X: Banging Strippers

Monger X Brings you with him for an audio adventure In LA area strip clubs. Where girls break the rules if you know how to play the game! DOWNLOAD NOW!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hot Asian For the Bangable List!

Hot Asian girl for the BANGABLE List!

The first chick to make the bangable list!

Monger x: Bangable Babes wish list

These are females that if I where to meet I would do everything in my power to bang. In other words they would either hate me guts or they will sleep with me.

Playboys Miss social June BANGABLE!

Also every pic I posted on Monger x Facebook page is on the list.

There are also several female celebrities who make this but there are so many that I think I will make a celebrity bangable list!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Recent Mongering activity(Pornstars)

Once I said the Ultimate Fantasy Fuck was a stripper, Well I said that because I did not think I would ever get  shot a Porn star. a Porn star called Missy Martinez who also as feature for strip clubs which is where I met her. I got a Lap dance from her and she was wild. There was no holds in the VIP room with her and for a tip she bounced on the pole. It cost a small a fortune but This is the hottest girl I have been with on U.S. Soil.  She gave me the line I normally don't do this. Looks like she oral fixation in the pic huh, well she kinda does did that because I tipped her because I was totally blown away her naked body. I fucked during the lap dance where she ding the normal grind but undid my zipper and let stick in. The most awesome lap dance ever!

Stripper Pics